Rent of premises in Algorta.
Looking for a place to rent? this place measures 40 m2, is located in Algorta and the last activity has been hairdressing. It has been closed for a year, due to retirement.
It can be rented to follow the same activity or if you are thinking about something else, maybe you may be interested too. Located in a residential area of Algorta and with good access, close to public transport, etc....
There are 40 m2, of which 39 m2 are useful, distributed in 3 rooms, one of them is the toilet or bathroom. It has electricity, water, gas and television socket.
The place is as seen in the photos.
Local located at street level with two large windows. A two-month bond is requested.
Do you want to visit it? Call.
Property Features
Alarm pre installation
Proximity: Shopping, Restaurants, City, Pharmacy, Public Transport, Schools
Views: Village view
Double glazing
Main drainage
Quiet Location
Central location
Energetic certification: In process
Mains water
Water: Main grid
Electricity: Main grid
Renovation year: 2010