Seller's Guide

Seller's Guide

A property in Bilbao or Getxo is not sold (or rented) in the same way as in Madrid or Las Rozas. Each area is guided by its own uses and by criteria established between stakeholders and owners. Prices are negotiated differently even in areas separated only by an estuary, a street or the train track. Prices are neither better nor worse, nor are negotiations more or less hard: it is about knowing the terrain, controlling the market and anticipating the motivation and behavior of buyers.

The Art of Getting the Right Deals

Our work is not that of mere pipe or conduit to transfer the offers and counter-offers of a farm, because ... what value would we have like this? Our job is, in reality, to obtain reasonable offers from potential buyers (that is: those that can be included in the negotiation framework that we have agreed with the seller), to assert the price of the property to be sold and to maintain, above all, a professional position in which negotiation is possible ... but not haggling.

Our best real estate agent? Hers!

Our sales agents manage small areas that they know perfectly. So they know their farm and characteristics because they have visited it with the owners and have prepared a specific report, published in dozens of paid Web portals and advertised on the street. So when we visit you with an interested client you will know who our agent is and who the client is, of course: without any doubt. Our agent is, in fact, YOUR agent: the commercial agent who is focused on selling or renting the farm of your property ... because he knows it very well, and knows what the advantages are compared to other farms.

We solve all the doubts of the buyers

We love answering questions from buyers (or future tenants) of a property. Because we know the answers: legal, fiscal and security; but also those of the farm itself: what it offers, what it brings, its advantages and the adjustment of its price. And we also know (from carrerilla) the answers of the environment of his farm: the urban development, the nearby schools and sports centers, the urban transports at hand and the indices of tranquility by days. We know all this because we know that although the seller tries to achieve, with our help, a fair price in the sale, the buyer needs to value everything that the farm and its environment, its community, offer.

The sales process

Our procedures have as their ultimate objective the efficiency in the sale, but our processes to reach this end must observe and respect our firm criteria of ethical marketing, financial solvency and legal certainty.

Step Description
#1 You contact us by phone or visit us; or we visit you. We get to know each other, at last, and we agreed to get to know his farm better.
#2 Our agent (yours) visits the farm and prepares a textual and photographic report, and establishes (with you) prices.
#3 We publish your farm in dozens of portals and advertise its advantages everywhere. And we give you an account of everything.
#4 We visited the farm with qualified interested parties and after the visit we informed you of their impressions ... and ours.
#5 We open a file for each reasonable offer... and we follow and pursue it, telling it about our progress.
#6 We reach (in most cases) a price range agreement and propose options to both parties.
#7 Our legal department draws up a contract (no receipts or signals or pre-contracts) and seals the agreements.
#8 One of our lawyers is in charge, together with YOUR commercial agent, of eliminating contractual and commercial fringes .
#9 We sign the contract in our offices, with legal and commercial support, to ensure that nothing can be twisted.
#10 We accompany the seller in the collection of documentation to perfect the contract or the public deed.